Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Doctors. I hate them.

And I don't just hate them for the normal reasons like the stab needles into your flesh or give you news that you will die in the next 3 months. No, I have bigger fish to boil with them.

From my experience, they dick you around.

Any thing that takes more then a pump of a blood pressure monitor and printing of a script, for the same little white antibiotics that must be saved on their desktop, is much too much work! Because really, the $100 per 10 minute appointment just can not cover them doing anything more then that!

I have recently had my 4th appointment in the last 12 months for the same damn thing. And you know what the doctor did this time? Put me on the same bloody tablets I was on 12 months ago, which, I pointed out to him, did NOTHING the first time!!!

See, I get heart burn, indigestion, gastro-reflux, whatever you want to call it I get a bloody painful feeling in my gut a LOT of the time. It all started about 1 year ago. I went to the doctors about it and she printed out a script for 20grams of Somac and pushed me out of her office, literally (suffice to say I never went back to her!)!

The drugs did nothing so 3 months later I went to another doctor. She sent me off for blood tests which all came back with nothing so no follow up appointment. Great job there!

By now I am getting a bit annoyed with doctors in general so I decide I can live with it. Heartburn is a bitch but I don't think its going to kill me. That is until I start throwing up daily.

Let me just say this. Nausea... Nearly as evil as doctors! There is nothing worse then sitting there for an hour being too scared to move one muscle because you know there will be a renactment of 'The Exorcist'. Regans got nothin on my projectiles!

So off I trudge to another doctor. This one thinks I must have a tummy bug (yes a 10 month tummy bug) and goes ALL out and sends me, not only for a blood test, but a urine test too (you really wanted to know that didn't you? I thought so.)! And, when both come back negative, he did nothing! Can you possibly believe?! A doctor doing nothing OMG!!!

By this stage I am ready to kill someone. I wake up with heartburn which gets worse if I don't eat straight away. Then during the day if I don't eat every 3 hours I get it. But, if I eat anything more then a few mouthfuls, up it all comes. So if I don't eat its indigestion, if I do eat I spew. Gotta love my body sometime!

I was ready to decide I am just a freak and I will have to live my life with a constant stack of Mylanta and water bottles next to me. But, that niggly little voice in the back of your head that tells you that something serious could go wrong here caused me to pick up the phone and make another doctors appointment.

I went back to the same guy as last time. Told him I was Jack of his shit and he better fix me or I was taking his arse to small claims tribunal for negligence! Ok, more I asked him to please fix me because I was getting sad.

And yes, he put me on the same drugs I was on a year ago. Told me to wait 2 weeks if it's still bad he will put me on more drugs.

So after 1 year, 3 doctors, 3 doses of medicine, and hundreds of dollars I still have no idea what is wrong with me, I still have to eat every few hours and I am still throwing up whenever I eat.

God I hate doctors!


Heather said...

Oh Yuck! I really hope you feel better soon, luv!

The Germ said...

That blows, you need to get better in time for the trip. ;)

Anonymous said...

Duude. That's so lame. I've had doctors like that... My last doctor said "Well, yeah, you could have strep throat, or mono, or really anything but we don't test for anything, because we aren't really a doctors office, we're just a money pit. Have a nice day." And then my head exploded. I can't complain about my doctor now. She pretty much rules.

Oh, umm, am I rambling again? Sorry. Anyway, I do hope that you find some relief soon. I can't imagine how frustrating it is not knowing what the problem is, or how to fix it. Wait, so why do doctors make the big bucks agin? :(

ChickenTherapy said...

thanks dudes :) I finally went and saw my family doctor who is just amazing and she is fixing me!! She has an idea of what it is and I have to go in for some more tests on Friday. I will let you know more in my next post :)