Thursday, 27 September 2007

Cheer up, emo kid!

Before I start I would like to put in a very strong disclaimer. I do NOT support Emo’s, I hold no time for them and really, they make me throw up in my mouth a little.

Now, onto the point of the day.

I like individuality, I am all for it which is why some weird miniscule section of my brain is feeling some sympathy towards today’s “Emos”. How is it they are any different from past mistakes? Do we not look back on the 80’s and cringe? The 70’s and sigh. Hell, those 1500’s broads weren’t too fashionable either!

I know it is hard to think that anything could be as tragic as those little rats hanging out around Hungry Jacks (wasn’t that my spot 5 years ago?!) so lets go on a little trip shall we?

I am going to leave out everything prior to the 70’s as this was when TV had started to mingle with music and was taking not just the sound but the “looks” to a much wider audience.

Now I know I will step on a lot of toes with my first look as most of you guys sway towards the punk friendly spectrum but really… I have to. And I am going to back it up with quotes n shit so don’t expect anything else I write to be as good as the next paragraph…

In the 1970’s we had the “punk” style. This was seen to be the hight of originality each person thought they were paving the way in their own style and fucking “the man” at the same time. Siouxsie Sioux was famously quoted as saying “What people don't understand is when punk started it was so innocent and not aware of being looked at or being a phenomenon and that's what everyone gets wrong.” Exactly, everyone was looking at them and copying. Original? My arse. In the back ground they had Malcolm McLaren and Vivian Westwood manufacturing their “originality”. But really I have to wonder if anyone truly thought that pimpled faces and torn pants, shirts, shoes… well everything, was a good look.

New wave… can I just say… that hair!

As much as I adore make up and think that the Pamela Anderson look is a stunner I just can not get my head around the New Romantics… that is just scary!

Goths with their moon tans attempting to dress Vampire-esque but only getting as close as corpse. They look even more then stupid in daylight and as much as I hate to relive that horrible teenage phase I have hung out with more then my fair share at “the deck” complaining their little undead hearts out about the heat. Here’s a tip – COLOUR! White! Try it; you might not suffer from dehydration next summer!

Ok this is the bit that will hurt me the most. This is my era of love and the styles that I actually enjoy wearing but really, grunge? People, shower! In the words of George Thorogood, “Get a haircut and get a real job!” And nobody ever looked good in a flannel. Other then A.J. in Empire Records…mmmm….

The new Millennium brought with it the Ravers, resembling semi-retarded kids with a penchant for fluro spandex.

And then M&M got everyone on the white boy homie bandwagon. Grown men with their pants around their knees showing off their Christmas boxers with giant tissue boxes on their feet and the inability to figure out which way a hat is meant to go.

And now? We have Emo. As much as I really wish I could say “skinny little white boys”, I can’t really segregate it to the weightless population, as Australia has a growing trend in obesity. This has lead me to have seen many more muffin tops overflowing from the skinny leg black jeans then I can care to remember. Skinny Legs only EVER look good on Kate Moss or the Olsen Twins, please remember that!

However this generation must have done some research, they have taken their whole look from past trends. We have the tight pants of Elvis, the skin care of the punks, the hair of a New Wave, the make-up of New Romantics, a colour chart rivaling any Goth, the emotional maturity of those damn ravers and I am sure under all that black somewhere they have the boxers that mummy bought them for Christmas.

So let us not boo and hiss when ever we see them (was that just me?) just think back to that horrid photo you have of your self from 5, 10 even 20 years ago that you can’t bring yourself to throw out but wouldn’t show it to anyone for the world. Maybe they’re not so bad after all (too far?).

Wednesday, 19 September 2007


If you are in or around Philidelphia between the 17-21st October stop in at the Big Bang Film Festival and catch the film Convictions which I did Make-up for a couple of years ago. You will even see my name in the credits :D And if you send me a photo of you in the film I will send you a prize! Not sure what that prize will be yet but you can be sure it will be pretty damn awesome!

Check out the website for more info:

Big Bang Music Festival
Convictions: the movie

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Young cat, if you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you would learn! The most wonderful stuff!

First off – the endoscopoengong went well. I sat in a waiting room for 2 hours with my mother. Lovely of her to drive me and all, less lovely of her to act as if I am 12 and try to read all my medical forms and speak to my doctor as if I am not there, “She gets this pain all the time and she is doubled over constantly” WTF?! You have no idea! No it is not constant and no the reflux does NOT double me over it makes me stand straight- you have NO idea just SHUT UP! But thanks again for driving me. Then again this is the woman that insisted she came into the doctors office with me until I was 18 and I finally decided to get my own doctor. Only now I am stuck with stupid ones that know nothing  Oh I’m ranting again. Sorry.

So I was wheeled in to the surgery room and the lady put the drip in my arm and told me to roll on my side. About 5 seconds later everything is all swirly and I’m all “Bitch has drugged m---“ Then I woke up coughing and it was 3 hours later. Thank kinda rocked! I need me some of that shit!

They didn’t find anything too interesting, just a bit of reflux that I could have told them was there. I get the results from my biopsy in the next couple of days, and then I will find out if I have what the doctors think I have. Will tell you all about that when I know more :)

Now, I bet your all like “Dude! Its 6:30am! ON A TUESDAY! WTF are you doing blogging! Get to work!” And I will be all “Dude! I’m sick as shit, leave me alone. But first, get me another roll of toilet paper, those tissue things are to damn expensive!”

Yes, I am holed up in bed with the flu. See the thing about the flu is when you don’t have it; you always forget how bad it really is. Boy has been suffering from it the last few days and I’m all “You’ll live, drink water. Can’t be that bad it’s just a flu. Now get up and make dinner I just have to upload this photo then check my comments and Ill be right there…. not” and now I’m all like “ooooohhh I’m dddiiiieeeeiiinnngggg *sneeze* love me!! Spoil me!!!! But if you touch me or laugh at me your balls will be come sultanas”

The doctor said this might happen. See because of the reflux whenever I lie down the acids come up my throat and make me sit up – basis for a crappy nights sleep! Spread this over 12 months and my immune system is working as hard as the pimply shit at Domino’s that always forgets to put garlic on my Olive and Garlic Supreme, fucking idiot. So yeh, I get the flu, grumble grumble grumble.

Now excuse me while I go get my camera and take a picture of myself all fluie and load it to flickr, nothing like cyber-sympathy to make everything ok :)

End note – funny little ditty for you – ways NOT to start a convo with someone that is expecting doctors results from you.

Me – I’m dieing
Anon – Oh shit… Is it from that fucking stomach thing??
Me – Ohh no! Not really dieing! I just have the flu!

Wednesday, 12 September 2007


I finished off last week with an intense feeling of hatred to all things PhD (other then the PHD straightening irons, those things are great for curling your hair. Yet they call them a straightener... I've never figured that one out!). I have since gone to see someone that knows something out side of the common house hold flu and have been given a referral to an Endosocopoligist.

Sounds funky huh? Well it would if it were real. I don't actually know what the dude is but I know he's going to stick a camera down my throat and take pictures of my stomach.

I am really considering asking for copies of these to post on Flickr, reckon I could get one Explored?? Not that they will really be putting a Canon Rebel down there or anything, not sure how good the quality would be on those itty bitty cameras. Then again they have to pick up really small problems in your stomach so it's got to be pretty decent or at least have a serious zoom...

I digress.

So I am going to the hospital on Friday for that. A little worried about what they will find, but more worried that they wont find anything and I'll be back where I was with this devil pain and no diagnosis (Mylanta 12 times a day is not a cure people!!!). And really the thought of free morphine completely out ways all bads because seriously? That shit ain't cheap!

Also, I get to eat as much ice-cream as I want. Much like having your tonsils out, only I am 20 not 5 and I can enjoy the effects of the drugs, and when you eat ice-cream when you're sick it doesn't make you fat. It's a rule, like eating off someone else's plate. This is also a bonus as Boy and I went shopping on the weekend and both bought ice-cream for each other. We now have 2 litres of Boysenberry and 2 litres of Butterscotch Crunch. Neither of us eats ice-cream often. So it's a good thing I am getting this done, I am making sure we don't waste food!

Plus 3 DAY WEEKEND!!! I figure not only will the drugs give me a nice little needed rest I get to go on holidays where ever in the world I want without ever leaving my bed!!!

Once all that's done I am on to doing up the Baby Shower Invitations for the beautiful Catto.

If the invitations turn out crappy I am so blaming the morphine!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Doctors. I hate them.

And I don't just hate them for the normal reasons like the stab needles into your flesh or give you news that you will die in the next 3 months. No, I have bigger fish to boil with them.

From my experience, they dick you around.

Any thing that takes more then a pump of a blood pressure monitor and printing of a script, for the same little white antibiotics that must be saved on their desktop, is much too much work! Because really, the $100 per 10 minute appointment just can not cover them doing anything more then that!

I have recently had my 4th appointment in the last 12 months for the same damn thing. And you know what the doctor did this time? Put me on the same bloody tablets I was on 12 months ago, which, I pointed out to him, did NOTHING the first time!!!

See, I get heart burn, indigestion, gastro-reflux, whatever you want to call it I get a bloody painful feeling in my gut a LOT of the time. It all started about 1 year ago. I went to the doctors about it and she printed out a script for 20grams of Somac and pushed me out of her office, literally (suffice to say I never went back to her!)!

The drugs did nothing so 3 months later I went to another doctor. She sent me off for blood tests which all came back with nothing so no follow up appointment. Great job there!

By now I am getting a bit annoyed with doctors in general so I decide I can live with it. Heartburn is a bitch but I don't think its going to kill me. That is until I start throwing up daily.

Let me just say this. Nausea... Nearly as evil as doctors! There is nothing worse then sitting there for an hour being too scared to move one muscle because you know there will be a renactment of 'The Exorcist'. Regans got nothin on my projectiles!

So off I trudge to another doctor. This one thinks I must have a tummy bug (yes a 10 month tummy bug) and goes ALL out and sends me, not only for a blood test, but a urine test too (you really wanted to know that didn't you? I thought so.)! And, when both come back negative, he did nothing! Can you possibly believe?! A doctor doing nothing OMG!!!

By this stage I am ready to kill someone. I wake up with heartburn which gets worse if I don't eat straight away. Then during the day if I don't eat every 3 hours I get it. But, if I eat anything more then a few mouthfuls, up it all comes. So if I don't eat its indigestion, if I do eat I spew. Gotta love my body sometime!

I was ready to decide I am just a freak and I will have to live my life with a constant stack of Mylanta and water bottles next to me. But, that niggly little voice in the back of your head that tells you that something serious could go wrong here caused me to pick up the phone and make another doctors appointment.

I went back to the same guy as last time. Told him I was Jack of his shit and he better fix me or I was taking his arse to small claims tribunal for negligence! Ok, more I asked him to please fix me because I was getting sad.

And yes, he put me on the same drugs I was on a year ago. Told me to wait 2 weeks if it's still bad he will put me on more drugs.

So after 1 year, 3 doctors, 3 doses of medicine, and hundreds of dollars I still have no idea what is wrong with me, I still have to eat every few hours and I am still throwing up whenever I eat.

God I hate doctors!