Saturday 6 January 2007

Saturday – a day for rest and relaxation, following the stressful working week.

NOT FOR ME! No, I had to be pulled (kicking and screaming) from my beautiful feather doona-ed king sized bed to paint. Note: I am not talking about the colourful canvas type creative painting. No, I am talking about the evil sticky gloss door and trim style painting!

After about half an hour of my legs being pulled by the boy, then myself starting to cry and wriggling back under the covers to again have my legs yanked back out, I agreed, begrudgingly, to get up. Off I went to put on my once-very-expensive-very-slinky-now-hole-ridden-paint-splattered jeans to paint some doors. -- This, I may add, was under the pretence that it was our final day of painting. “Only a couple of doors and the kitchen trims” I was promised. MY ARSE!

10 hours and one trip to Bunnings later and I have left the boy to his own devises with a pot of ceiling paint and a ladder and I am being entertained by a bottle of red wine and a Lisa Loeb CD.

However, as much as I may complain about it, in all it was a nice beginning to the weekend. In comparison, that is, to many others over the course of our renovations. E.g. there was no removal of walls resulting in the discovery of mouse corpses nor was there any camping out in the garden while the floors were being polished.

What tomorrow may bring, who knows! Perhaps a trip to the movies, maybe a spot of shopping, more likely more evil sticky gloss door and trim painting! I will let you know how it goes when I know!


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