Wednesday 26 March 2008


Work - I mentioned a few weeks ago to remind me to mention work next time but you suck and didnt remind me... well I remembered now didnt I!

I like to think I am a fairly good person. I am friendly, I'm trust worthy, I try to be happy and smily even when I'm not, I laugh when I dont even find jokes funny. But I seem to be surrounded by people that don't like me and I really dont know why... I go to work everyday and I feel like I am back in high school. I have never seen such petty bitchiness in anyone over 16. Like to the point where I will say good morning and not get any responce, sure claim that you didnt hear me once but every. single. day. ??? Righto!

I am stuck doing shit kicker work because the girl that is meant to be training me doesnt even look at me anymore. I have no idea why other then she is a screaming homophobe (we all know what thats hiding!)

Thats another thing, I have never met a bunch of people that are so bigoted! They call Aborigines "Blackies", they call gays "faggots" and any of you on here that know me well know that word makes me want to throw up I just dont know how people can be so closed minded. They see something that is different and want to ruin it.... I just find that pathetic.

Meanwhile at home my Big Sis is going wedding dress shopping and planning the wedding and I cant be there to help... My dad is crazy stressed (as always) and wish I was there to spend more time with him. PLUS I own a beautiful home which I have big plans for that I could be working on and it has a huge back yard where I could have my puppy....

On another note, I spent $97 on drugs today, and Im not talking the fun kind.... god that makes me sad... More stuff for my stomach to help with my reflux, oh I also have a urine tract infection - pissing out needles, now thats a WHOLE lotta fun!!! Ohh wait.... its really not...

You really wanted to know that didn't you?

Ohh but on the list side I have walked for 5 days in a row now! No where near my 1 month mark but its a start...

1 comment:

Heather said...

Want me to come beat 'em up for ya? ;) I'm sorry the people you work with suck.
But hooray on the plus side of making your walks! Try to focus on the positive things, right? So that's good.
I'll be thinking of you, hon. Hang in there!