Wednesday, 5 March 2008

The list

Ok I keep meaning to do up a list of things I want to do for ages and I've done a couple but none more then 10 things. All pretty useless really. But I have been given inspiration from the fabulous Miss Zoot and her '101 things in 1001 days' list. Now we all know I am way to lazy and uncommitted to follow anything through for 1001 days, hell I couldnt even get through 365. So I have cut it down a bit just to get through things I want to do without having too much pressure. Now I am giving myself 1 year to do all of these things. I'm pretty sure I can handle that and I hope that I get them all done but if I dont its no big let down because its not a thing. I will be crossing them off and dating them as I go and Im sure I'll make a big song and dance about each one on here and Flickr so not much chance on missing out on any!

So here we go, let me know what you think or if Im missing anything!


1. Try 10 new fruits/vegetables I’ve never tried before or thought I didn’t like (1/Durian 18.03.08 2/ Butternut Pumpkin 18.03.08 3/Tomato 4/celery 5/)
2. Buy proper cupcake making things and make fancy cupcakes
3. Do 50 push ups (boy style) in a row
4. Do 50 sit-ups/crunches in a row
5. Hike 6 mountains (can repeat if necessary) in 12 months (Flinders Peak, Mt Barney, Eungella x2)
6. Eat only raw foods for an entire day
7. Buy a piece of exercise equipment and use it properly (Runners! 15.10.08)

Giving to Others

8. Make a decent donation to a charity ($20/mth to Amnesty plus I give my change to whatever charity I see at the shops or that comes into work)
9. Send my mum flowers
10. Donate blood every 3 months for a year (04.11.08)
11. Make a donation to a local charity
12. Write a letter to both grand mums
13. Spend one day being a “servant” to Boy
14. Send a small gift or letter to some of my favorite flickrites/bloggers (CD sent to Muirnait 5.03.08 Sockies sent to Bec 26.03.08ish, birthday card to Germ 10.08)
15. Buy birthday presents for everybody in both families
(Big Bro 12.03.08 Boys Mummy 15.03.08 Boys Lil' Sis 11.04.08 Big Sis 29.04.08, The champ 11.06.08, big big sis 13.07.08, Mim 15.07.08, Gral 18.08.08,Potato Head 19.08.08,Daddyo 25.08.08, AH 22.10.08,)


16. Post a real blog (not just from Flickr) on ChickenTherapy at least once a week (wk1. wk2. wk3.wk.4)
17. Write a short piece of fiction
18. Write a letter to each family member (who can read)
19. Handwrite a blog entry and scan it to the blog


20. Attend a Concert (Millencolin 5.4.08)
21. Attend a play (Titus 25.08.08)
22. Attend a musical
23. Attend a non-mandatory lecture or seminar
24. See an exhibit at the art gallery or museum
25. Go to a wine tasting

Travel and Vacation

26. Travel out of Australia
27. Go camping for more then 1 night
28. Ride a roller coaster (Mackay Show)
29. Visit one of the Islands in the Whitsundays
30. Stay 1 night at the Harbor and have dinner at one of the good restaurants

Trying New Things

32. Wear a skirt/dress every day for a week (11.11.08)
33. Build something (Built my bike 11.04.08)
34. Sew something (fixed the bed sheets 27.10.08)
35. Wear fingernail polish for a whole week
36. Help Boy out at work for a day
37. Get my boat license
38. Get a new piercing or a small tattoo

Arts, Crafts, and Photography

39. Attend one of those pottery classes/days
40. Support a craftsperson—buy something handmade (either in person or online)
41. Document a “day in my life” with photos
42. Do a photo essay of some of my most sentimental possessions
43. Find a local photography group/class and go to at least 1 session
44. Learn more about the DSLR
4 5. Learn a craft

Monthly Challenges

46. Work out 3 times a week for 1 month
47. Walk every day for 1 month (start 21.03.08 finish 21.04.08)
48. One month without TV
49. Record total amount of money spent on food for a month (start 11.11.08)
50. One month without sweets/desserts
51. Photograph my outfits everyday for a month (start 11.11.08)
52. Have a dinner containing atleast 3 vegetables atleast 6 days a week for a month (start 11.11.08)


53. Learn a language – even if just basics
54. Go to the Saturday fruit markets
55. Buy a piece of Victoria Secrets anything
56. Subscribe to a photographic or nature magazine
57. Plant a herb garden
58. Read at least 1 book per month (month 1 - Life of Pi by Yann Martel)
59. Rent and boat for a day and take Boy on a cruise (after I get my boat license)
60. Set up Make-up Company and begin trading again

5 March 2009 here I come!!!


Heather said...

Looks like a great list! I may do this myself...we'll see how ambitious I'm feeling ;-)

Nacho Lover said...

I LOVE this list! I kind of want to steal some from it! way to go!

(this is susiejulie from flickr :D)

zoot said...

Fantastic!!! We're all going to be busy aren't we?

Anonymous said...

These are really cool. Good luck with them. :)